So the studio is kinda super fun. I sweet talked (ie. bribed with dollar bills and candy) my kiddos to come play around with some new colored backdrops I ordered. I’m clearly addicted to color, so being able to bring a pop of pizazz to the studio is just the best ever. And I kinda really love my kiddos and their crazy personalities.
The studio is the perfect place for milestone and childhood portraits! And I’ve got colored backdrops galore so we can go all crazy and have some fun. I’ll even let your kids spray me with silly string. Being a kid is FUN and letting them go hog-wild, dance and giggle is THE BEST way to get true, organic portraits of your babies!
Interested in scheduling a COLORFUL studio session? Come visit me at my cheerful studio and let’s have some fun. Call or email me for session details (or just click this link right here).
Fuji 400H, Pentax 645n.