When this Raleigh film photographer gets a chance to do a destination family photography session…she jumps up and down in her living room when she books her flight to go! I can’t tell you how much I love traveling to new cities to have a special family photography session! I always feel so inspired in a new location and I feel like I can really get creative while photographing once I get a good feel for the town.
This specific destination family session was with the lovely Turpin family while I was in Utah for the Insta-Inspire Retreat last year!! Cami is an AMAZING photographer herself (and is also part of the Film Love Workshop group), and it was so wonderful to meet them and to capture their special bond! The Turpins are from Salt Lake City, Utah but we decided to venture out to the stunning Salt Flats for their session. The light reflecting from the salts, the gorgeous mountain backdrop and the yummy glowing light around it made this session so warm and inviting. Lots of hugs, love and laughter as we ran around the salty playground that nature has made.

Thank you so much to the Turpin family for having me! It was such a wonderful time and so lovely to meet you all!
Interested in scheduling a destination session in 2019? Most family and newborn sessions are done in your home + fave places...we usually always venture outside around your home to play (weather permitting). Some folks like to do just their house and yard, some folks like to do just one room of their house and their favorite park up the road. We're not meeting in some random park or place you've never been before. These are the places that matter most to you. This stage/house/moment you're at right now will be totally different and changed and just "where in the world did time go?" a year from now. Take the time to capture your here and now. I promise you will NEVER regret preserving those in-between moments. Call or email me for session details (or just click this link right here).