week in the life...sunday

yay!!  i've officially documented our week.  i totally slacked off on sunday.  i think i have reached my "picture taking capacity".....and that's saying a lot since i always have my camera with me.

i did love using my DSLR this week.  the iphone takes awesome photos, and i typically find myself using that primarily for convenience, but boy can you tell a difference with my "big camera".  hoping to keep it close by more.

here are our pictures and words from sunday...

waking and making pancakes...

reading and relaxing...


coloring and playing and making messes



eating freezie pops...

watching football and eating yummy chili

thanks to everyone who stopped this week!!  i love all of the new visitors and hope you will stop by often!!

i'm still trying to figure out my plan for these photos and i will definitely post here when i do decide.
