Stephanie Bryan Photography - Raleigh Newborn and Family Photographer

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Heart + Soul | Raleigh Family Film Photographer

I may be a lifestyle family and newborn photographer, but do you know what? Yesterday I created our 2018 photo book and I realized something as I was making the album… I AM ONLY IN LIKE 3 PHOTOS. What in the world?? 3 photos people!! And one of those was a “selfie”.

Clearly I am the one always behind the camera, but us mamas have to make a point to get in the frame. To show our babies we were there. To give them snuggles, tickles and love on them while someone else captures these moments. Yesterday hit home HARD for me. It made me realize how no one is going to point a camera at me and suggest I get in the frame. I have to make it happen. I have to set my camera up, get it all ready and pass it off to my husband or a stranger to “hopefully” get me in the frame, lo. And I have to book my own photography session because I want to put on something pretty and snuggle on my babies and have something more than just snapshots. So this is your friendly reminder, mamas, to MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN THE FRAME. It is so important for so many reasons. You will thank me.

And now on to the adorable Harrison family, who I am a tad bit obsessed with…… They had so much heart and soul for each other and being able to capture them as a family was just the best ever.

Fuji 400H. Pentax 645n.

Interested in scheduling a session in 2019? Most family and newborn sessions are done in your home + fave places...we usually always venture outside around your home to play  (weather permitting). Some folks like to do just their house and yard, some folks like to do just one room of their house and their favorite park up the road. We're not meeting in some random park or place you've never been before. These are the places that matter most to you. This stage/house/moment you're at right now will be totally different and changed and just "where in the world did time go?" a year from now. Take the time to capture your here and now. I promise you will NEVER regret preserving those in-between moments. Call or email me for session details (or just click this link right here).