Stephanie Bryan Photography - Raleigh Newborn and Family Photographer

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Around Our Clocks - 8am

Happy Monday, friends! 
I am so excited to be collaborating with a group of amazing photographers and artists to capture our days. Our collaboration is all about how we spend the hours of our days; what makes us unique; what our everyday looks like. I have always been a HUGE proponent of documenting those everyday moments; the moments that seem to pass so quickly and are soon forgotten. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am for this opportunity.

For the first "around our clocks" post, we are focusing on the 8am hour. Our 8am varies during school days and weekends for sure. Most Mondays-Fridays both of my kids are tucked into their desks at school at 8am. I'm usually at home cleaning up the house and Scott is up working. Our weekends, though... they're a different story. 

Both Anna and Drew love their beds and pillows. Anna definitely prefers to always sleep sprawled out in her big ole beds and rarely comes into our bed, but Drew....he comes crawling in every once in a while in the middle of the night and I can't say that I mind it one bit. I know the days where he sneaks in to snuggle are fleeting. He's not the best bed-sharer, but he's pretty darn cute, so we let him get away with it. I love to watch him sleeping there next to me, and my very favorite part is when he first wakes up, sees me and smiles. You just can't beat that. 

So that's a look at 8am on our weekends....a sweet boy snuggled into bed with us. To continue the "Around our Clocks" loop, click on over to Aly Dawn's blog.