Stephanie Bryan Photography - Raleigh Newborn and Family Photographer

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Around Here...

This week has been all about "getting back into the swing of things" for me.  Kindergarten is in full session for my daughter, and I've been running around doing carpool, attending meetings and trying to figure out what in the heck is going on!!  I guess being out of the country for nine days will do that to ya.  :)

Around here....

Loving my new Instax printer.  I took it with us to Spain and printed out a ton of photos.  It's so cute and compact and easy to use.  The quality is better than my original Instax camera, but they are still Polaroids.  It's just a fun little toy.

Catching up on some work and emails and workshops.

Waking up with these two cuties and savoring every moment of it because I know it won't last forever.  Is there anything more precious than a sleeping child??  Yep...two sleeping children snuggled in together... :)

Pulling out my yarn to start a few projects.  (These colors are my favorite!!)

Spending way too much of our afternoon doing homework.  Luckily, Anna loves homework so she doesn't seem to mind. 

Being super silly with these two.
Trying to make up for all of those minutes I missed while we were in Spain.  I love them.

Finding some beauties in our garden.
These were waiting for us when we got home from Spain.  Not sure our garden survived our trip, though.  It looks kind of sad and wilted.  I'm hoping it makes a comeback, but I'm not so sure it will.  

Crawling into bed to work on my woven wall hanging.  I'm a little bit obsessed now....  It took me a while to figure the whole thing out, but I finally got it working.  I definitely pulled my yarn too tight in the beginning, so the middle of my hanging kind of pulls in, but I'm totally cool with that.  I want to experiment a little more with various yarns and thickness to achieve different looks.  I would love to spin my own yarn (one day)!!

(This picture cracks me up!)
Having fancy family dinner night at our house.  Our kids love fancy dinner night and it's so cute to hear them getting each other dressed up.  And they insist Scott and I get dressed up too (and dressed up in this photo for me = pool cover up because that's what I had on).  Oh...and we had tacos (fancy, right??).

Spending lots of time in the car with these two.  Back and forth.  Back and forth.  Drew keeps me company....

....sometimes.  And sometimes he falls right to sleep as soon as we pull out of the driveway. 

Hanging up my finished weaving and loving the way my craft room is coming together (although I haven't spent any time in here at all since I've been back!!  Eeeek!)

What have you been up to???  Whatever it is, I hope it's been awesome!